15 things every Parent should know about VITAMIN D!

vitamin D headerBelow are just a few of the reasons Baby{Food}Steps believes

Vitamin D should be checked and measured at least one time a year for every MAN, WOMAN, and CHILD… and if the level is below 40-60 (ng/ml), should be supplemented and/or augmented with food and sun exposure! (with your doctor’s supervision and monitoring)

Here is a graph that SHOCKED ME… look at all the conditions (including Cancer) that’s incidence can be lowered by increasing one’s Vitamin D level.

To learn more about Vitamin D and it’s impact of chidren’s health join us at www. EmpoweredAdvocacy.com 

Vitamin D SUNSHINE  winter time  September  February  winter months (November-February) 10am-3pm SUNSCREEN. MORE effective than a flu shot,  slash your risk of developing the flu by 42% “flu season” abolished the seasonality of influenza RDA for Vitamin D in the USA may be inadequate for YOUR CHILD’s health The cutoffs for lab  Vitamin D  may not be normal or adequate for optimal health. GLUTATHIONE in the BRAIN  IMMUNE SYSTEM ability to fight infections/viruses INFLUENZA HIV/AIDS slower progression of HIV to AIDS  AUTISM ASTHMA DIABETES of type 1 diabetes THYROID Function AITDs (autoimmune thyroid diseases)  antithyroid antibodies and abnormal thyroid function tests  HEART Health  infant heart failure anti-inflammatory agent in infants with Congestive Heart Failure CANCER PREVENTION PREGNANCY and INFANTS

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www.EmpoweredAdvocacy.com Pediatric Patient Advocate
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11 Responses to 15 things every Parent should know about VITAMIN D!

  1. Rhonda says:

    Mine is way low. 19 I think so I’m on 2 a week Rx for 90 days and I’ll definitely have my dd’s checked at next appt. which should be soon to catch lowest levels.
    Friend had very low d and it messed up her bones. Part of her hip bone died and she had to have hip replacement.

  2. Pingback: Autism PREVENTION Part 3: Nutritional and Vitamin Deficiency | Taking Baby{food}Steps…

  3. Paul Thomas says:

    Great job and resources! thanks for sharing. Dr Paul

  4. Pingback: It’s NO Vaccident! | Taking Baby{food}Steps…

  5. Richard Roberts, PhD, MD says:

    Trying to get vitamin D from sunshine is simply wrong. Long–term exposure to ultraviolet light causes a horrible increase in the rate of malignant melanoma–totally unnecessary if you get your vitamin D3 levels up with oral vitamin D3. Many physicians don’t know the dose–usually it takes 10,000 u of D3 daily for 6 to 8 months to bring abnormally low values back to normal. But NEVER put kids in the sun without sunscreen–UV exposure causing melanoma is cumulative over the years–and never allow a minor to use tanning booths, which should be banned. UV ages skin, in addition to increasing the risk of this difficult-to-treat cancer.

  6. Pingback: Where is the Mitoxic Mercury? | Taking Baby{food}Steps…

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  8. Kristin says:

    Thankful you had this article! I just had my son’s level checked for the first time (mito, complex 1), and I am horrified at how low it was (5!!). I’m so upset that our last specialist saw “no reason” to test him. He’s starting on a rx supplement, and then will be rechecked, but I would prefer he get what he needs from food and sunshine. I do have a question, though- for children with suspected fatty acid oxidation disorders (maybe secondary to mito), what is the best way to get the vitamin d into them? If they have trouble with fats, won’t they have trouble with fat-soluble vitamins? Does that mean food sources wouldn’t work as well? Or that sunshine won’t, either? Thank you for any suggestions!

  9. Pingback: Much Ado about the Flu (shot) | Taking Baby{food}Steps…

  10. Pingback: Testing Tuesday: Vitamin D test - Empowered Medical Advocacy

  11. Pingback: Vitamin D- Pittsburgh Parent Magazine August 2016 | Taking Baby{food}Steps…

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