Lady A’s Oatmeal Cookies

Today I made a double batch of these cookies. They are a favorite around here and ones we keep on hand at ALL TIMES in the freezer for Lady A for a last-minute pre-school snack, playdate, or treat on the run!

Today I added chicken to them to up the protein and make them a bit more wholesome!

Lady A’ s  Gluten free, Casein free, Soy Free, Salicylate Free COOKIES

1 cup Granulated organic cane sugar

1 cup brown sugar (although today I was out of this so I just used 1.5 cups of regular sugar total+ 1 cup of chopped cooked chicken,  instead)

1 cup Organic Spectrum Shortening + 2 Tbsp water

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp Frontier NO ALCOHOL Vanilla flavor

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

2 eggs

3 cups Quick cooking Gluten Free Oats

2 cups Gluten free flour (today I used 1 cup of potato flour and 1 cup of GF oat flours)

Heat oven to 375 and mix all ingredients together (minus the oats and flours). Then once mixed, stir in the oats and flour and bake on ungreased cookie sheet (we like parchment paper) until light brown (not dark brown…like my 2nd batch!) for about 10 minutes!

ENJOY! Share with a friend and savor!

They may be free of a lot of the “bad” stuff for Lady A, but they are full of sweetness and love!

(thanks MG and JG for sharing them with us today!)

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8 Responses to Lady A’s Oatmeal Cookies

  1. Diane says:

    Yummm going to try it and share the recipe! and If Lady A could be any cuter- my goodness is she just the cutest little thing I have ever seen! 🙂

  2. Dirty Butter says:

    Sounds horrible :-), but obviously it tastes good! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to reading more about what you are doing nutrition wise. We’ve changed our diets almost totally in the years since I was originally diagnosed with Parkinson’s, only now to find out it’s MITO.

  3. nice post…very usefullllll…..thankyou..

  4. Joan Ablahani says:

    Kristi this is the first time I saw a picture of Lady A. She is beautiful. Gorgeous smile and great hair. God bless her. Joan

  5. Amy M says:

    We are going to have to try these! Do you find everything @HEB? Chicken in cookies? For someone who says she doesn’t bake/cook, you are a genius!

  6. Pingback: Snack Attack~ Healthy options for Kids and Adults | Taking Baby{food}Steps…

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