Evolution of a Revolution


Three years ago I was asked to be part of an amazing project, a life changing experience. Three years ago I was asked to write about our family’s experience with our daughter’s health and her recovery to be included in the second book that the Thinking Mom’s Revolution was publishing. A few years prior, I had read the Thinking Mom’s first book:

Autism beyond the Spectrum: Inspiring True Stories from Parents Fighting to Rescue Their Children.

 Reading That first book was pivotal in our own family’s journey. It was through those 23 moms (and one dad) stories,  that I found a part of each one (of their stories) was a part of OUR story. All the things we had been told were “rare” and “coincidences” were right there in chapter after chapter and story after story of perfect strangers… There is no way that was a coincidence! In reading that book I found hope. I knew I was not alone in this fight.

Fast forward to December 2013 when I was put into a Facebook group with perfect strangers to write a second  TMR book, together, the book that would become the “sequel” to that first book (the one that made me feel like I was no longer alone in this fight to help my child get better). A year later our book was finished and released first at Autism One in 2014 and then on Amazon. Now two and a half years later, 1/17/17,  we are re-releasing the NEW and Improved, updated hardcover edition of Evolution of a Revolution: Autism and the Path from Hope to Healing.
You may ask why I was part of an autism book when our daughter did not have an autism diagnosis.  I truly believe we did not fall into the abyss of autism (or off the tightrope as I wrote about here) because of the mothers who walked this path before me (including those who shared their stories in the first TMR book). Because these women (and one dad) shared what had happened to their child, I was able to quickly recognize the similarities of the stories, begin to connect the dots to our story and  seek out help for our daughter earlier than waiting for that “diagnosis” to be made. These women and other warrior mothers showed me that the underlying biochemical and medical issues my daughter was experiencing were the root causes of something called “autism” and that autism was medical. We were on the fast track to autism with a one-way ticket… until I heard  about other moms stories and observations and actions and healing. It was the power in this knowledge (which was God led and directed!) that helped us stop “autism” dead in its tracks and turn the train we were on, around.
This journey has been life changing in many good and sometimes troubling ways. Being part of this book project was definately one of the many bright spots along the path. Those strangers that I was put into a Facebook group with a few years ago are no longer strangers, they are friends, fellow warrior moms, gals who get it and get me, and who are fighting the same fight each and every day: recovery of our own kids and preventing any other family having to go through what our families have endured.  Our collective intention is to move mountains and we do that by helping one family, one child at a time.

Are you a thinking mom?

Join the revolution and pay it forward…

All the authors in this book have donated their time and their stories for this book. Proceeds from the sale of this book go to the non-profit TeamTMR for their health and wellness treatment grant program which covers expenses (not covered by insurance) for families recovering their children.

About Empowered Advocacy

www.EmpoweredAdvocacy.com Pediatric Patient Advocate
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